What is a world issue? A world issue is an “issue that adversely affects the global community and environment, such as environmental issues, political crisis, social issues, and economic crisis”. Currently, deforestation is a huge world issue.
As I mentioned, deforestation is an occurring world issue. Many people do not know this is happening because many people do not know what exactly deforestation is. What is deforestation? Deforestation is “to divest or clear of forests or trees” (Dictionary), or in other words is the destruction or loss of forests due to humans wanting to expand the population or increase industrial development (West).
Now that I have described what a world issue and deforestation is, it is obvious that deforestation is currently a very important world issue. Actions need to be made to stop this, or it at least needs to be evaluated to see if it is really necessary.
Youtube Video Link: "What is Deforestation?"
West, Larry. “What is Deforestation?” ThoughtCo, Feb. 7, 2019, https://www.thoughtco.com/overview-of-deforestation-1203589
“deforestation” Dictionary, 2019, https://www.dictionary.comFeb. 18, 2019
"What is Deforestation?" YouTube, uploaded by James Taylor, Dec. 3, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoTSpodE73E